I live in Colorado, where I contemplate the future.

My website has two objectives.

Objective one is self-promotion. It is a fair assumption that you came to here to learn about me. If you don't know what I can do, if you don't know my skills, then I can't help you.

Objective two is it is a place where I explore, refine, and commit to my ideas through writing, a system I leverage that I continue to find increasingly useful.


I'm an entrepreneur/engineer/investor based in Colorado. I've founded several companies. Some made lists of fastest growing companies multiple years in a row, others were expensive learning experiences, but both were valuable. Through formal education, I learned how to learn and I've taken that and ran with it. Serendipitiously exploring topics is my favorite sport and will likely consume me until my end.

I'm fascinated by systems. These systems can take many shapes. It could be a technical system that just works with a very eloquent effort, or a business system(aka model) that produces exceptional results. It could be a training system for athletes. Not surprisingly, they all share common elements. But when a system is done right, it creates a positive feeback loop that snowballs ultimately producing more with less.

Decades of cross domain experience, and countless hours studying have contributed my perspective on the principles of systems, and their behaviors. Naturally this has led to theories about how to best design, build, and implement complex systems. I've developed my own intuition, a pattern matching signal that spots opportunities, and warns on risks. I leverage this intuition to get superior outcomes on everything from solving complex engineering problems to analyzing investments.

I relish in details and thrive off of the process of getting to the source of truth. Nullius in Verba is a personal motto, and when I spot a rabbit hole I like to dive in head first. I've developed many of my skills because of internal need to understood the how and why about the inner workings of everything. In the framework of systems, these details ultimately make up the equations that determine the mutation of objects between states. Understanding these states and the related equations is the starting point for systems performance optimization.

Today I keep my skills sharp by maintaining my full-time status as a programmer/architect. I also manage a small absolute return fund (which will snowball), study companies in my free time, and continue to explore various technologies, not surprisingly currently with a huge focus on data, intelligence, graphs, tokens, and tokenization. It' a fascinating world out there and we continue to live in interesting times which are only going to get better and more interesting.